God is a dot : Day 25 of 31

I either use a whole lot of words or very few for this. I decided on few.

I can get understanding of all the other dots, and connect them all I want, but if they stay disconnected from the God dot, my life does not make enough sense.

When I watch this (or just listen), all the other dots quiet down and start getting along much better.

It’s not high quality, it’s not hip and happening, it’s not a sound bite. Yet the longer it goes, the deeper you listen.

(Give the video about twenty seconds to get going. And if you’re reading in an email click HERE to go to the blog to see it)


This is Day 25 of 31 Days of Connecting the Dots: make more sense of your life, your world, your hopes and dreams

About the Author


Gary Morland helps you feel better about your most challenging family relationships, and helps you actually improve those relationships - all by adopting simple attitudes, perspectives, expectations, and actions (the same ones that changed him and his family).