Most of the time your life doesn’t change so radically in one day that you are either President or you’re not.
Presidential candidates see the fork in the road coming.
Almost always, you don’t.
Ten years ago next week I was released from my job. Total surprise. But when it happened I instantly knew big changes were ahead. I didn’t know what changes, but I knew they were on the way.
But even that is not how most big change comes. Usually big change sneaks up without a word.
My life also forked the afternoon I met my wife at a summer job after high school. But I didn’t know it that day or for many more days, weeks, and months.
Or a chance meeting with a stranger in the door knobs aisle at Home Depot leads to a friendship and later a job, moving across the country, and new friends for your kids who soon take up competitive duck herding and motorized chariot racing. And become world champs. Everything changed while shopping for door knobs but you never knew.
Multiply that times dozens or hundreds in your life.
Aren’t you glad most life-changing moments are not like election day?
You couldn’t handle the drama.
When did your life fork but you didn’t know until long after you went through it?